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Moksha Yoga

Sometimes, we try to manage our lives more efficiently by compartmentalizing. This enables us to deal with each chunk of reality at a time more effectively or so the thinking goes.

While this is true in some respects, a feeling of fragmentation and lack of wholeness can creep in and create stress.

It’s easy to feel that we express incomplete versions of ourselves in our various roles at home, at work, at school, with friends and in the community.

Moksha Yoga Class

Restoring a feeling of wholeness is one reason many people decide to try Yoga. They like the idea of body, breath, mind and heart all coming together in one discipline.

Yoga classes today focus primarily on health and relaxation, but this ancient system also asks that the individual bring a positive light into the world, be a force for good, act with kindness and seek wisdom where possible.

Enter Moksha Yoga. Founded in 2004 right here in Toronto, this is both a style of physical Yoga and a movement that encapsulates in modern terms what living a Yogic lifestyle can look like.

Ready for Some Hot Yoga?

A Moksha Yoga class takes place in a high-heat room. It is a lengthy and vigorous series of about 40 postures that begins and ends in corpse pose, that is, resting outstretched on your yoga mat. In between, expect to sweat your way through standing and floor-based postures that are held for varying lengths of time.

While this may seem intimidating for some, Moksha Yoga teachers are ready and willing to suggest modifications and otherwise make beginners and those less-than-athletic Yoga types feel at home.

Seven Pillars: Yoga and Life in Alignment

Helping everyone feel welcome in a Moksha Yoga class is one of the Seven Pillars of Moksha Yoga. These teachers are committed to following a healthy lifestyle, making Yoga classes accessible, living a greener and less toxic life, nurturing supportive community, bringing Yoga to those who are less fortunate, embracing new ideas and methods and emanating peace from within.

Moksha is a Sanskrit word that refers to freedom or enlightenment, and the teachers who founded this style believe that liberation comes from combining right living, kindness and Yoga into one integrated whole.