Bikram Yoga
Do you like the light and energized feeling you experience after a good sweat?
Bikram Yoga classes take place in studios heated to approximately 95 to 105 degrees(or outdoors in summer), so arrive with a towel, a full water bottle and a non-slippery mat to help manage all that perspiration.

The reasoning behind heating a Bikram Yoga classroom is to cleanse and revitalize the body not only through Yoga poses themselves, but also through intense sweating.
The external heat source assists in warming up body tissues to minimize injuries and deepen the experience of the poses.
Hot Yoga is the trendy and descriptive label often given to styles such as Bikram Yoga, in which the room is heated to this extent.
Bikram Yoga is not so much a comprehensive or elaborate style as it is an ordered sequence of 26 traditional postures which the originator, Bikram Choudhury, selected and popularized in the 1970s.
The intent is to let this carefully organized protocol be the vehicle to restore health and vitality to all areas of the body and to optimize circulation.
There are no variations in the composition or order of postures in a Bikram Yoga class; even the verbal instructions and other aspects of the Bikram experience are standardized in classes around the world. For students who like consistency and knowing what to expect at each class, Bikram Yoga can be reassuring.
A Bikram Yoga class may be predictable, but it is no less intense given the heat and the challenge inherent in the sequence of postures.
Be sure you’re healthy enough for exertion in high heat and heed any warning signs your body may be sending you, such as dizziness or dehydration.
It’s never a good idea to practice Yoga on a full stomach, but you may be especially uncomfortable if you eat before doing Hot Yoga styles such as Bikram.
If Bikram Yoga interests you, follow all recommended precautions to safely experience its cleansing and healing effects.