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Yoga Class Checklist

Yoga is about nurturing a relationship between your body, your breath and your inner self.

Taking a Yoga class is a great way to get support for this relationship and to deepen it. Yoga can be playful, gentle, challenging or utterly transformative depending on what’s happening in class and within you.


To make the most of your experience, prepare ahead of time by knowing what to bring and what to leave behind as you enter Yoga class.

Where Food is Concerned, Easy Does It

Most Yoga classes include forward and backward bends, and many also venture on to twists and inversions. As a precaution, Yoga teachers generally recommend that you refrain from practicing Yoga on a full stomach.

If you chow down shortly before class, you may be setting the stage for gastro-intestinal reflux and may make yourself downright uncomfortable if not queasy.

At the other extreme, don’t come to class so hungry or thirsty that you’re lightheaded. Plan your day so that you’re adequately nourished — but not stuffed — when you arrive at Yoga class.

Know When You're Too Sick to Attend Class

A Yoga class brings you into close proximity with other students. Respect your health and theirs by staying home if you’re contagious or so sick that your presence in class benefits neither you nor other students.

Sometimes, the best Yoga is rest and recovery.

Feel Better With Yoga

There are other times, however, when coming to Yoga class is a positive step you can take for your health challenges.

You may experience relief from stress headaches, arthritic pain, digestive irregularities and many other issues when participating Yoga. Yoga really can help you feel better!

Final Reminders

Bring a full water bottle unless the yoga studio has healthy water available. You may also want an extra sweater or warm socks for lying in relaxation pose, if the room temperature is cool.

As for what to leave outside the classroom door, how about foregoing your smartphone, your strongly scented perfume and all your mental and emotional distractions.

Come to Yoga class ready to learn and ready to connect with yourself and your fellow students.